Learn how to Change drop shadow color​ in 2024

In 2024, drop shadows in graphic design are essential to creating depth, dimension, and emphasis. It’s not just about adding shadows; it’s about customizing them to suit your design needs perfectly. But what to do if you need to change drop shadow color​ for your project?

One thing you can do is to try it yourself with our process of changing or making drop shadow color or take service from a professional.

You know what, a better quality image is a must for any business, and if you have no time to do it yourself and want stunning images, professional help is a very must.

That is why we’ll describe everything whether you’re working with drop shadows in graphic design software like Photoshop or box-shadows in web development using CSS.

This article is for designers and developers and focuses on the drop shadow color and its impact on design in 2024.

So, if you’re looking to learn how to update your box-shadow color or tweak the drop shadow color in your favorite design software, you’re in the right place.

What is a Drop Shadow?

A drop shadow is a visual effect that adds a shadow to an object and creates the illusion of depth. It’s commonly used in web design, graphic design, and image editing to make elements stand out. It adds depth to elements like text, buttons, or images.

The main attributes of a drop shadow include:

  • Offset (distance from the object)
  • Blur radius (smoothness or sharpness of the shadow)
  • Spread (how large the shadow is)
  • Color (the hue of the shadow)

While default drop shadows are typically black or gray, adjusting the color of the shadow can lead to more dynamic and visually appealing designs.

In programs like Photoshop, a drop shadow is a layer effect. It creates a soft or hard shadow behind the object and is highly customizable.

The color of the shadow can be customized to fit the overall design. So, it is an essential tool in any designer’s toolkit. In 2024, mastering the art of changing drop shadow color is key to creating modern, engaging designs.

Why Change Drop Shadow Color

In 2024, design trends are all about boldness and customization. Change drop shadow color​ allows you to better match the aesthetic of your design or brand. Additionally, different colors can evoke various emotions and feelings in users.

Benefits of Customizing Drop Shadow Color

  • Branding: You can align the shadow with your brand colors.
  • Visual Hierarchy: Different colors help distinguish elements.
  • User Engagement: A well-colored shadow can draw attention to important elements.
  • Consistency: Using unique shadow colors can create a cohesive and professional appearance.

Drop Shadow vs. Box-Shadow: What’s the Difference?

Before we dive into the techniques, it’s crucial to understand the difference between drop shadow and box shadow.

Drop Shadow

Drop shadow is mainly used in graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign. It creates a realistic shadow effect.

This effect appears behind objects and gives them a raised or floating appearance. You can adjust the shadow’s opacity, angle, spread, and most importantly—the shadow color.


On the other hand, box-shadow is a CSS property. It is primarily used in web development to add shadow effects to HTML elements like buttons or text boxes. It provides various options for adjusting the position, blur, spread, and color of the shadow.

Key Differences:

Drop ShadowBox-Shadow
Used in graphic design software like Photoshop or IllustratorUtilized in web design with CSS
Allows detailed control over opacity, angle, and spreadApplied to HTML elements to create shadow effects for web pages
Supports custom color changesRequires precise CSS color codes

Now that we know the differences, let’s move into customizing and Change drop shadow color​:

Need professional assistance with your web design or graphic project? Contact us today, and let’s bring your vision to life with customized design solutions.

How to Change Drop Shadow Color in CSS

Change drop shadow color​ in CSS

If you are developing a website, you’ll likely work with CSS to add and style drop shadows. In CSS, the box-shadow property is used to add shadows to elements. You can even easily adjust the color of the shadow in CSS.

How to Change Box-Shadow Color in CSS

How to Change Box-Shadow Color in CSS

Changing the box-shadow color in CSS is a common request among web designers. The box-shadow property is versatile and allows you to control every aspect of the shadow, including color.

1. Basic Box-Shadow Syntax:

cssCopy codebox-shadow: offset-x offset-y blur-radius spread-radius color;

Here’s a breakdown of the values:

  • offset-x: Horizontal shadow distance.
  • offset-y: Vertical shadow distance.
  • blur-radius: How blurry the shadow is.
  • spread-radius: How far the shadow spreads.
  • color: The CSS color code for the shadow.

To change drop shadow color​, you simply replace the color value with your desired color format (Hex, RGB, RGBA, or named colors).

2. Example: Change Box-Shadow Color with Hex Code

Using Hex codes is one of the most common methods to set shadow colors. Here’s an example of a box-shadow using the color black (#000000):

cssCopy code.box {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: lightblue;
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px #000000; /* Black shadow */

In this case, the color of the shadow is black, but you can easily change it to any other Hex color, such as #FF5733 (orange-red):

cssCopy code.box {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: lightblue;
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px #FF5733; /* Orange-red shadow */

3. Example: Change Box-Shadow Color with RGB and RGBA

Using RGB or RGBA color codes allows you to define shadows in more detail, especially with transparency options. Here’s how you change the box-shadow color using RGB:

cssCopy code.box {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: lightblue;
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px rgb(255, 87, 51); /* RGB Orange-red shadow */

To add transparency to the shadow, you can use RGBA:

cssCopy code.box {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: lightblue;
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px rgba(255, 87, 51, 0.5); /* Semi-transparent shadow */

In this example, the shadow is orange-red, but with 50% transparency due to the 0.5 alpha value in the rgba() function.

4. Example: Use Named Colors for Box-Shadow

CSS also supports named colors, such as red, blue, green, and more. To change the box-shadow color using named colors, the syntax is the same as before:

cssCopy code.box {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: lightblue;
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px red; /* Red shadow */

This is the simplest way to apply colors without using specific color codes.

5. Multiple Box-Shadows with Different Colors

CSS also allows you to apply multiple box shadows with different colors. Here’s an example of how to add two shadows with different colors:

cssCopy code.box {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: lightblue;
  box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), -5px -5px 10px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7); /* Black and Red shadows */

In this case, the element has two shadows:

  • The first shadow is black with 50% transparency.
  • The second shadow is red with 70% transparency, applied in the opposite direction.

This creates a layered shadow effect, providing more depth to the design.

Box-Shadow Color Code

Box-Shadow Color Code

The box-shadow color code in CSS is specified using standard color formats such as:

ColorCSS Code

Change Only Box-Shadow-Color

Change Only Box-Shadow-Color

Often, you may only need to adjust the color of the shadow without changing other properties like offset or blur. To do this, you simply modify the color value in your CSS code:

cssCopy codebox-shadow: 5px 5px 10px rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.7); /* green shadow */

Using the right box-shadow color CSS can drastically improve the look of your design. This method is especially useful when working with CSS colors. You can utilize any CSS color code format, including HEX, RGB, or named colors.

How to Change Drop Shadow Color in Photoshop

How to Change Drop Shadow Color in Photoshop

Change drop shadow color​ in Photoshop is a vital part of many design projects. This simple adjustment can make your design more cohesive and professional.

At Photofixal, we handle drop shadow effects professionally in Photoshop. Here’s how we do it:

Step 1: Create a New Text Layer

First, we begin by adding the text for which the drop shadow will be applied.

  • We select the T icon (Text Tool) on the left side of the Photoshop interface.
  • Click anywhere on the canvas, and type the desired text. For example, we may type “Hello” or any other word based on your project.
  • Next, we adjust the font size to ensure it suits the design, typically increasing it to around 90% for clearer visibility.

Once the text is ready, we center it on the canvas for balance and design harmony.

Step 2: Access Blending Options

With the text ready, the next step is to apply the drop shadow.

  • On the Layers Panel, we locate the text layer (in this case, the “Hello” layer).
  • We double-click the text layer to open the Blending Options menu.

Blending Options is where the magic happens. From here, we can start creating and customizing your drop shadow effects.

Step 3: Apply the First Drop Shadow

In the Blending Options window, we see the option for Drop Shadow. This is where we begin customizing the shadow according to your brand or aesthetic preferences.

  • We check the box next to Drop Shadow to enable it.
  • Inside the Drop Shadow settings, we have several options like Blend Mode, Opacity, Angle, Distance, Spread, and Size.

Our process always starts by changing the shadow color to fit your desired look.

  1. Click on the color box and select the appropriate color from the Color Picker. For example, if you need a warm, inviting look, we may change the shadow from default black to orange.
  2. We also adjust the opacity of the shadow, depending on how prominent or subtle you want it to be.
  3. Next, we alter the angle to control where the shadow falls. For a dynamic look, we may tilt the shadow to the bottom left or other directions.
  4. We fine-tune the distance of the shadow, ensuring it’s not too far or too close to the text. In this case, setting it to around 20% works well.

Step 4: Add a Second Drop Shadow

One of the cool features we use for clients is adding multiple drop shadows for layered effects. This creates depth and visual interest.

  • To add a second shadow, we click on the plus sign ( + ) under the Drop Shadow option in the Layer Style box. This allows us to add another shadow.
  • We select the new Drop Shadow layer and change the color to something different, like green.

We then adjust the distance and other settings as needed. For example, we might increase the distance to 40% for a more noticeable effect, creating a striking contrast with the first shadow.

Step 5: Add More Drop Shadows for Creative Effects

You can repeat the process to add even more drop shadows for a layered, multi-color effect.

  • We click the plus sign again to add a third shadow, changing the color to blue this time.
  • We further adjust the distance to around 60% to create an even more dramatic effect.

This process can be repeated as many times as needed to achieve the perfect look. Each shadow layer is customized to match your project’s style, making the text or design truly stand out.

Step 6: Review and Finalize the Changes

Once we’ve added and customized all the drop shadows, we always take time to review the overall effect.

  • We ensure the shadow colors blend well with the text and background.
  • Adjustments are made if necessary to balance the overall look, ensuring the shadows enhance the design without overwhelming it.

Once we’re happy with the result, we click OK to apply the settings and save the edited file in your preferred format.

Quick Tip:

For a professional look, make sure the shadow color complements the background and the object. A shadow that’s too dark or too light may not look natural.

Ready to elevate your design? Contact us for professional help with your photo editing projects! Click here to learn more about our services.

How to Change Drop Shadow Color in Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is another tool that allows designers to create vector-based designs with customizable drop shadows. Here’s how to adjust and Change drop shadow color​:

  1. Select Object: Click on the object that requires a drop shadow.
  2. Open Drop Shadow Menu: Go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow.
  3. Choose Color: In the window that appears, click the color box and select a new shadow color.
  4. Adjust Opacity: Modify the opacity to achieve the desired level of transparency.
  5. Apply Changes: Click OK to apply your new drop shadow.

For more advanced design projects, we offer a range of Illustrator services to help you refine your artwork. Our team can ensure your shadows and other effects are perfectly integrated into your overall design.

Need assistance with vector design? Contact us for expert support!

How to Change Drop Shadow Color in InDesign

InDesign, commonly used for print and layout design, allows for detailed control over change drop shadow color​. Here’s how to modify it:

  1. Select the Object: Choose the text or object with the shadow.
  2. Open Effects Panel: Go to Window > Effects.
  3. Enable Drop Shadow: Click on Drop Shadow and check the box to activate it.
  4. Change Color: Click on the color box and choose a new shadow color.
  5. Adjust Shadow Settings: Modify the opacity, blur, and distance for a polished look.
  6. Apply: Click OK to apply the changes.

Get Professional Shadow Customization Services

Customize or Change drop shadow color​ whether in web development or graphic design software. It can elevate your project and make it truly stand out. From CSS coding to professional photo editing, adjusting your shadow color has never been easier.

Remember, even small tweaks like altering the color of the shadow can have a big impact on your design’s overall look and feel.

So, to ensure your design looks polished and professional, working with experts can make all the difference.

Need to change drop shadow color​ for your product images, marketing visuals, or creative projects?

At Photofixal we provide a comprehensive range of design, development, and editing services to help you create the perfect look for your project.

  • Expert CSS customization
  • Photoshop and Illustrator shadow adjustments

Ready to take your designs to the next level? Contact us today and let our team handle all your design needs.

Can I change only the color of a box-shadow without altering other properties?

Yes, you can change only the color of a box-shadow by modifying the last value (the color) in the box-shadow property. You don’t need to change the horizontal or vertical offset, blur, or spread unless you want to.

Is it possible to change the drop shadow color in Illustrator?

Yes, you can Change drop shadow color​ in Illustrator. Here’s how:
Select the object.
Go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow.
Click on the color box to open the Color Picker and choose your desired color.

What color codes can I use for box-shadow in CSS?

For CSS box-shadow, you can use any valid CSS color code, such as:
Hex color: #ff0000 for red.
RGBA: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) for a red color with 50% opacity.
Named colors: color: red;.

Why should I use RGBA for box-shadow colors?

RGBA color codes allow you to specify the transparency (opacity) of the shadow in addition to the color. This gives you more flexibility in designing shadows that blend well with background elements and other design features.

Can I use drop shadows in modern web designs?

Absolutely! Drop shadows are still widely used in modern web design to create depth and emphasize important elements. Using box-shadow in CSS is an easy way to implement this in 2024, and with new advancements in web design, you can apply dynamic and customizable shadow effects.

Does the color of a shadow change?

Yes, the color of a shadow can change based on several factors, such as the light source, background colors, or design choices. For example, in graphic design software, you can customize shadow colors to fit a design scheme. In web design, using CSS allows you to dynamically alter the shadow color with the box-shadow property.

How can I make my drop shadow look more realistic?

To make your drop shadow look more realistic:
Use soft, subtle shadows with low opacity.
Adjust the angle and distance to simulate natural lighting.
Experiment with blur radius to create smooth edges.
Match the shadow color to the overall design scheme, especially when simulating light sources.

What’s the best software for creating customized drop shadows?

For web design, CSS is the go-to tool for applying box-shadows. For graphic design, software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign offers robust tools for creating detailed and customizable drop shadows.

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