How to remove background in procreate 2024: Quick 5 Steps

Procreate is a powerful tool for digital artists, and one of its most useful features is the ability to remove backgrounds from images. Are you working on artwork, product design, or simply cleaning up a photo?

In that case, learning how to remove background in Procreate can significantly improve your workflow.

But how to do that? Don’t worry we’ve covered it with just 5 steps.

Although in 2024, recent software updates have changed some tools, the process remains easy if you follow the correct steps.

In this guide, we’ll explore the latest method for removing backgrounds in Procreate. You can use these steps to make your artwork stand out.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Tips to ensure a smooth and accurate selection process.
  • How to navigate the updated tools in Procreate.
  • Step-by-step instructions for how to remove background in Procreate 2024.

What is a procreate

Procreate is a popular digital art app designed for iPad. It allows artists to create illustrations, paintings, and designs.

Even, it offers a wide range of tools such as brushes, layers, and editing features and makes it versatile for both beginners and professional artists.

Procreate is known for its smooth, user-friendly interface. It is widely used for digital drawing, animation, and image editing.

It’s especially favored by artists who enjoy working with a stylus, like the Apple Pencil, to replicate the feeling of traditional drawing and painting.

One of its powerful features is the ability to remove backgrounds from images, which can be useful in many projects. Let’s learn how to remove background in procreate 2024.

How to Remove Background in Procreate 2024: Detailed 5 steps

How to remove background in procreate

Learning how to remove background in Procreate is an essential skill for digital artists and designers. Whether you’re preparing illustrations for a portfolio or creating products for an online store, a clean, transparent background can make a huge difference.

So let’s learn how to do that:

Step 1: Prepare Your Layers

The first thing we want to do is prepare our image by organizing the layers. Follow these steps:

On the right-hand side, you’ll see an icon that looks like two overlapping squares. Tap on it to open the Layers panel.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the Layers panel, and you’ll see a Background Color layer. 

Toggle it off by tapping the checkbox next to it. This will make the background of your canvas transparent.

Always a good habit—make a duplicate copy of your image layer. This way, if anything goes wrong, you’ll have a backup. 

  • To do this, swipe left on your image layer and select Duplicate.

We’ll now be working on the duplicated image layer. Toggle off the original image layer to avoid interfering with your work. We’ll keep this copy safe for later.

Step 2: Select the Area to Keep

Now that your layers are set, we’re ready to select the area of the image we want to keep. The selection tool in Procreate has a few tricks, so let’s get into that:

At the top of the screen, tap on the Selection tool (it looks like an “S”). You’ll see a menu pop up at the bottom.

  • From the menu, make sure you have Freehand selected. This allows you to manually outline the part of the image you want to keep.

Now, pinch the screen to zoom into your image. Find a starting point (usually at a corner or an edge like the wrist) and begin outlining your subject.

 Be careful as you trace around the image to keep as close to the edges as possible.

  • Did you make a mistake? No worries! But when you realize that was a mistake, just place two fingers on the screen and tap to undo, then keep planning.

Once you’ve traced all around the subject and back to your starting point, there are two ways to finish the selection:

  • Option 1: Don’t close the loop! Just leave the start and end points slightly apart.
  • Option 2: Tap on the white dot to complete the selection, and the selected area will turn black or white.

If you used the white dot and the area turned black/white, tap with two fingers again to undo that. Your selected image will now reappear on the canvas.

Step 3: Apply the Mask

Once your selection is perfect, it’s time to mask the unwanted background. Here is where the magic happens:

At first, tap on the Layers icon again. In the Layers panel, tap on the thumbnail of your image. A menu will pop up and now select Mask from the options.

You’ll see that a mask layer has appeared above your image layer.

Step 4: Merge Layers

Once the mask is applied, simply pinch the mask and the image layer together to merge them. Now you’ve successfully removed the background!

Your image should now have a transparent background.

Step 5: Save Your Work

Save As a Transparent Image. To do it,

  • Tap on the Wrench icon (Actions menu).
  • Select Share.
  • Choose PNG format to preserve the transparency.

Your image is now ready to be used without a background!

How to remove background from text on Procreate using blending mode

How to remove background from text on Procreate

Do you have a flattened image with text or line art on a solid background, like black text on white or white text on black? Using blending modes like Multiply and Screen is one of the quickest ways to remove a solid background behind text or line art in Procreate.

This quick method will allow you to make the background disappear and use your text on any texture or design you like.

Here’s how to remove background in procreate from text using blending modes.

Step 1: Open Your Image in Procreate

First, open your image in Procreate. If your image has text on a solid background, like white text on a black background or black text on white, you’re all set to begin.

Step 2: Add a Background Layer

Next, you’ll want to add a background layer beneath your text layer. On this new layer, you can place any texture or background you’d like to use, such as a marble texture or any pattern.

Step 3: Select the Text Layer

Go to the Layers panel and tap on the layer with the text and background. This layer contains both the text and the solid background (like white text on black or black text on white).

Step 4: Change the Blending Mode

Tap on the “N” symbol next to your text layer in the Layers panel. This will bring up the blending modes.

Here’s what you need to do based on your text and background color:

  • Change the blending mode to Multiply.

This will make the white background disappear and leave only the black text over your new texture or background layer.

  • Change the blending mode to Screen.

This removes the black background and leaves just the white text visible on the new background.

    Step 5: Adjust and Finalize

    Once the blending mode is set, you’ll see that the background is gone, and the text is sitting neatly on your new background or texture.

    You can now move the text layer around or resize it to fit your design.

    Final Thoughts

    So, we hope now you will learn ”How to remove background in procreate 2024”. You can also remove the background from any text in Procreate using a blending mode.

    With the Freehand selection tool and applying a mask, you can easily isolate your subject and remove unwanted areas of an image.

    • Always duplicate your image before editing for backup.
    • Use the Freehand tool for precise selection.
    • Apply a mask to hide the background instead of erasing parts of the image.
    • Merge layers after completing the background removal.

    How to make a background transparent in Procreate?

    To make a background transparent in Procreate, start by opening your project. In the Layers panel, locate the layer containing the background you want to remove. If the background is a solid color, you can simply tap on the layer and use the Selection tool.

    Choose the “Automatic” option to select the background area, and then tap “Clear” to remove it. If you want to make the entire background transparent, just toggle off the background layer. Finally, when you export your artwork, choose PNG format to ensure that the transparency is preserved.

    How to Achieve a White Background on Procreate?

    To create a white background in Procreate, start by opening your canvas. If the background is currently transparent or a different color, go to the Layers panel.
    Tap the layer that represents the background and then tap the “Background Color” option (represented by a color wheel or icon).
    Select white from the color picker, and your background will change to white. If you’re using a textured layer underneath your artwork, simply add a new layer, fill it with white using the Paint Bucket tool, and position it beneath your artwork layer.

    How to Change the Background Picture on Procreate?

    To change the background picture, open your canvas and tap the “+” icon in the Layers panel to add a new layer.

    Select “Insert a Photo” from the Actions menu and choose your desired image. Resize and position it, ensuring it sits below your artwork layers.

    How to Cut Out an Image in Procreate?

    To cut out an image, open it in Procreate and duplicate the layer. Use the Selection tool, choosing either “Freehand” or “Automatic.”

    After selecting the area you want to remove, swipe down with three fingers and tap “Cut.” Refine your cut-out with the Eraser tool if needed.

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